
In-Person Dialogue “Decarbonising Trade: Transitioning from Polluting and Growing Clean Industries”

Date: 14/03/2024

The event, held in partnership with the Australian Embassy to Chile, facilitated a high-level discussion on strategic elements to advance greenhouse gas reduction plans in the private world and how to encourage international collaboration for green projects.

With the participation of Gonzalo Muñoz, member of the Global Club of Rome and Global Ambassador of the Race to Zero and Race to Resilience initiative; Emma Aisbett, director of the Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge at the Australian National University; and María José Riquelme, senior consultant at Hinicio and former advisor to the French Renewable Energy Center, the Chile Pacific Foundation and the Australian Embassy held today the dialogue “Decarbonising Trade: Transitioning from Polluting and Growing Clean Industries”, an event that facilitated a highly informed discussion on the progress and underway initiatives to advance international decarbonization efforts with special attention to key industries for global trade.

Gonzalo Muñoz, based on his experience as member of different global initiatives aiming to energize decarbonization strategies and action plans in the private sector, presented on international efforts to reduce carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality, as well as the role of the private sector in the transition, among other issues.

I think it was a very good opportunity to share not only the opportunities that exist between the realities of Chile and Australia, the possibility of generating links of collaboration, but also to look into how these collaborations at the government level can be brought down to earth by getting on board players from the business world, the financial world, from the most global down to the most technical”, said Muñoz.

From her role as director of the Zero-Carbon Energy Initiative, Emma Aisbett spoke about the Australian experience in trade decarbonization, taking as reference hydrogen fuels projects , green metals and renewable energies, in addition to the potential of the so-called Green Economy Collaborations (IGECs), which are at the center of the Zero-Carbon Energy Initiative.

It was a pleasure to be part of the event today with the Chile Pacific Foundation, this event is an excellent example of the sort of collaboration and information sharing that we really need to meet our climate ambitions and avoid a climate catastrophe”, claimed Aisbett.

Meanwhile, María José Riquelme, mentioned the role of renewable hydrogen in the decarbonization of international transactions and stressed the existing gaps impacting on innovation, demand generation and financing. She also pointed out examples of studies in which Hinicio has participated in Chile, Colombia, and other Latin American countries.

I would like to thank both Guerrero Olivos studio and the Chile Pacific Foundation for this great opportunity”, added Riquelme.

The meeting took place at the offices of Guerrero Olivos, one of the leading law firms in Chile and member company of the Chile Pacific Foundation.

Presentación de Gonzalo Muñoz

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Presentación de Emma Aisbett

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Presentación de María José Riquelme

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