The Chile Pacific Foundation (the Foundation) is the only public-private organization in Chile aimed at facilitating synergies focusing on policies aligned with the country’s projection towards the Asia Pacific region. It is against this backdrop that the Foundation hosts Chile’s National Secretariat for both the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). These two councils formally bring up the voices of the Asia Pacific business and research communities into the APEC system.
The Foundation is legally linked to the Chilean State through the Undersecretariat of International Economic Relations, which is a government body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It carries out a variety of activities throughout the year to bring about public debate on strategic topics. International trade of goods and services, policies to upgrade the country’s output potential, new trends of the economy, challenges and opportunities for foreign investment, the geopolitics of the Asia Pacific, the development and implementation of ESG standards, aspects impacting on global value and supply chains and prospects for the renewable energies industry, among several others topics, have been part of the Foundation’s agenda over the last few years, just to name some. Growing the knowledge among general public of cultural and political traits of Asia Pacific countries is also in the Foundation’s events.
Moving forward an across-the-board agenda
A significant number of businesses operating in the country, both local and foreign -including several leading multinationals- support the Foundation’s unique role by becoming members and participating in board sessions, as well as in public/private dialogues organized by the Foundation. Government officials, including the Vice-Minister of Trade (officially, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations) and the head of Chile’s exports promotion agency (ProChile), also have a sit on the board.
Different event formats are used to carry through the Foundation’s working program, including face-to-face and online activities, which incorporates closed-doors events depending on the nature and sensitivity of the topics. Additionally, the Foundation commissions and edits research and reports to delve into matters related to Chile’s economic and social development priorities. In many cases, it does so against the backdrop of development experiences across the Asia Pacific, which makes the Foundation one of the most influential institutions in Chile to bring closer and spread best practices from the region among decision-makers and influential opinion leaders.
Digital activities have been a strong line of work over the last several years, featuring the ad-honorem participation of world-class panelists. These events have enhanced and further boost the Foundation’s positioning as a bridge for engagement and communication between the public and private worlds in the country.
Committed to a multi-stakeholder approach
As a result of an active, high-profile, multi-stakeholder approach initiated almost three decades ago, the Foundation has been able to build and strengthen networks with policymakers, opinion leaders and experts on a wide and growing range of strategic 21st century-related issues. Moreover, the Foundation has also built up an active network of followers that is currently composed of around 10,000 people, both locals and foreigners, including a large group of businesspeople (from CEOs to outstanding entrepreneurs), members of the academia, investors, high-level advisors, ambassadors and government officials.
The Foundation actively participates in the APEC/ABAC activities, including summits and general assemblies with privileged access to authorities and influential representatives from Asia Pacific governments and business community leading representatives. It has developed strong relationships with peer organizations, business committees and bilateral business councils between Chile and Asia Pacific countries, as well as with the most influential national business associations (CPC and SOFOFA) and chambers of commerce of Chile’s largest trading partners. The ABAC Chile members are highly recognized entrepreneurs and/or representatives of the business world invited by the President of the Republic of Chile to play this capacity.
The Foundation also closely follows the work of the Pacific Alliance Business Council (PBAC) and, among other things, organized the first formal meeting between ABAC and CEAP, which was held in October 2021. Regular engagement with diplomatic representatives of Asia Pacific countries is an important component of the Foundation’s work program as well.
You can have a look at the Foundation’s webinars and hybrid events here:
Chile has been intensifying its relationship with Asia Pacific countries since the first half of the 1990s. In 1990, the country joined the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), while in 1994 became an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economy. The structure of these organizations -which are the most relevant in the region- required the participation of government, businesspeople, the academia and members of the civil society, so that it was clear that a broad taskforce was required to advance Chile’s involvement.
With the aim of strengthening the country’s ties with the Asia Pacific region, during the government of President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, former Minister Secretary General of the Presidency Edgardo Boeninger was commissioned to create an organization to build bridges between the public and private sectors as to the matters pertaining the country’s interest in the Asia Pacific region. It was against this backdrop that the Chile Pacific Foundation was born in 1994. A Foundation scheme facilitates the participation and donations of all the parties involved.
Legal Background
The Chile Pacific Foundation was created by public deed on November 2, 1994. Under a decree issued by the Ministry of Justice published in the Official Gazette under the number 13,468, the Foundation was granted legal personality. The Foundation’s statutes were approved on December 19, 1994, while the first session of the board of directors was held on December 19, 1994.
The Chile Pacific Foundation has been tasked with hosting the National Secretariat of some Asia Pacific fora. It also serves as a public-private institution out of a specific mandate by the Government of Chile, supporting long-term action pertaining to the strategic interests of Chile in the Asia Pacific region.
La Primera Sesión de Consejo Directivo se realizó el 19 de diciembre de 1994. El acta correspondiente se redujo a escritura pública con fecha 28 de diciembre de 1994, ante el Notario Público de Santiago,
don Álvaro Bianchi Rosas.
Se desempeña como Secretaría Nacional en algunos foros regionales en los que Chile participa, al tiempo que sirve como unidad operativa complementaria, consecuencia de la delegación y mandatos expresos del Gobierno de Chile, apoyando una actuación institucional y de largo plazo.
Board of Directors
Claudia Sanhueza, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations
Economist from the University of Chile and PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge. She was founder and director of the Center for Economics and Social Policy, associate researcher at the Center for Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES) and World Fellow of the World Inequality Lab, as well as director of Collective Knowledge. She served as president of the Pension Advisory Council in 2014 and was a member of the CASEN Panel of Experts between 2015 and 2017.
Lawyer from the University of Chile, Master of Law in International Politics from the University of Sheffield, England. He was a lawyer in the Department of Investments and Services of the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, head of the International Unit of the Legal Department of the Economic Directorate of the same undersecretary, commercial attaché of ProChile in Colombia and the United Kingdom, and National Deputy Director of ProChile.
Charles Kimber, Vice President of People and Sustainability at Arauco
Commercial Engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Charles Kimber has been Corporate and Commercial Affairs Manager of Celulosa Arauco y Constitución since 2004, a company he joined in 1986. Previously he had served as Executive Director of Arauco Wood Products, with based in Atlanta, USA and as Corporate Commercial Manager of Forest Products.
Iván Arriagada, Executive President of Antofagasta Minerals
Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since 1970 he has been a member of the Jara Del Favero Abogados law firm. Director of Antofagasta Minerals S.A. since 2003. He chairs the Minera Los Pelambres Foundation and is director of the Andrónico Luksic S.A. Foundation, both charitable institutions. He was director of Enap and vice president of the National Mining Society of Chile (Sonami).
Commercial Engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile. He was CEO and Regional Managing Partner of Deloitte from June 2018 to June 2023. Deloitte Canada and Chile have been a combined firm since 2017.
Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
Vice Chairman of the SQM Board of Directors, chairs its Corporate Governance Committee and is a member of the Safety, Health and Environment Committee. He is also vice president of the board of directors of Grupo Norte Grande.
Gina Ocqueteau, Director of SQM, APCC, and Image Foundation of Chile
Gina Ocqueteau, CEO Waygroup Chile, a company that trains through Virtual Reality simulators. Founder of Crosscheck. Director of SQM, director of the Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce (APCC) and director of the Imagen de Chile Foundation (FICH). ChileMujeres Counselor, BOW Women Entrepreneurs Teacher, Co-founder of the Entrepreneurial Union, Former Director of ASECH. She has worked for 30 years in different ACHS Managements. Nurse University of Chile. MBA ESEM, UAI Marketing Diploma, Management of Health Institutions FEN University of Chile, Productivity and Quality PUC.
Mario Larenas, Country Manager Chile at Freeport McMoRaN
Mario is a lawyer from the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and has a Master's Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Columbia University, United States.
Claudia Corvalán, Public Affairs Manager, Freeport McMoRaN
Claudia Corvalán San Martín is the current Public Affairs Manager at Freeport-McMoRan in Chile. She is a journalist, specializing in Social Communication, and holds a Master's degree in International Relations, with an outstanding career in various national and international agencies. In recent years, she has focused her work in the field of corporate communications and the mining industry.
She has lived in several countries with different cultures and worked in international organizations, such as the United Nations. Claudia has more than 15 years of experience in print media, radio and television both locally and internationally, in English and Spanish, as well as 20 years of experience in corporate communications. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts with a specialization in Journalism and Political Science (with a mention in gender studies) from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA; she obtained a Master's degree in International Relations from the University of Chile and a Diploma in Corporate Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
Throughout her career, she has served as Communications Manager for the Mining Council in Chile, Cultural Specialist at the United States Embassy in Santiago, Communications Officer for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Santiago, and journalist in the Press Department of National Television of Chile. Claudia is married and has two children.
Matías Concha Berthet, general manager at Marítima de Inversiones and Quemchi
Industrial Civil Engineer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, MBA University of Cambridge. He is an advisor at SOFOFA and general manager of Marítima de Inversiones and Quemchi.
Amparo Cornejo, Vice President of Teck South America
Vice President of South America at Teck. Responsible for providing strategic direction to government and community relations, corporate affairs and communications. She leads the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Systems, as well as the environmental permit activities related to the projects that the company develops in Chile.
Carolina Musalem, Sustainability & External Affairs at Teck Resources
Juan José Tohá is a journalist and has a degree in Sustainability from the University of Oxford, as well as a Master's and PhD in Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. At LATAM Group, he develops public affairs, external communication and the company's sustainability strategy. Previously, he worked at the UN Regional Office for Food and Agriculture (FAO) based in Santiago, Chile, and has also been Head of Communications for Codelco and BHP South America.
Jeffrey J. Dawes, Former CEO of de Komatsu Mining corp.
Former CEO of Komatsu Mining Corp. Group, a subsidiary of Komatsu Ltd. in Japan. Appointed to that position in April 2017 when Komatsu acquired Joy Global Inc. and renamed that company.
Montserrat Galimany, Advisor to the President of Mitsubishi Chile
Montserrat Galimany works as advisor to the president of Mitsubishi Chile, a multinational of Japanese origin. From her position as chair of the Foundation, Galimany brings decades of experience and deep knowledge of the management dynamics and business decisions in Asian companies, especially those from Japan, one of the main and most traditional trade and investment partners of Chile in the Asian continent. Montserrat holds a degree in statistics and a bachelor degree in Human resources from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Since 1980 she works at Mitsubishi Chile Ltda., where she has held various positions.
Journalist from the Gabriela Mistral University. Manager of Corporate Affairs of Empresas CMPC; former Director of Diario La Tercera, Diario Financiero and Revista Capital.
Óscar Hasbún, General Manager of Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A.
Commercial Engineer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Chairman of the Board of Sociedad Matriz SAAM S.A. since August 2017 and Director since 2015. He has also served as Director of Hapag Lloyd AG since 2014 and General Manager of Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. since 2011. From 2002 to 2011, he managed the businesses of the Luksic family in Croatia, mainly in tourism and real estate, and, prior to that, he was a member of the executive area of Michelin in France and Chile.
Cristián Lefevre, Market Segment Leader and President of EY Chile
Chairman of EY Chile since January 1, 2018. Expert in Corporate Governance, economic activity, regulations, private investment and business confidence. He has been a member of the firm's Executive Committee since 2001 and a member of the region's board of directors since 2005.
Janice Stein, Partner Latam China Investment Network Leader at E&Y Chile
Janice has over 19 years of Transfer Pricing and International Taxation experience.
She has led and leads global and local documentation of taxpayers from multiple industries. In addition, she has extensive experience in transfer pricing planning projects as well as in negotiating and preparing strategies for APAs and defending taxpayer on transfer pricing matters with local tax authorities.
She also leads a multidisciplinary team of Controversy-Transfer Pricing involved in audit strategy, document preparation, planning support, BEPS advisory and evidence review. This team is involved in several transfer pricing cases, as well as ongoing audits led by the Chilean Internal Revenue Service.
Currently, she is leading a specialized team focused on rendering services to Chinese Companies. She and her team have established a new strategy and processes to properly identify this type of client's need and coordinate internally to maximize results.
She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina (Perú), and a Master's degree in Organization and Strategic consulting from L´Institut des Sciences de L´Entreprise et du Management of Montepellier´s l University in France.
Vice Admiral Mr. Jorge Ibarra Rodríguez, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies of the Chilean Navy
He is a specialist in Navigation, Staff Officer, Weapons Engineer with a mention in Navigation and Graduate in Naval and Maritime Sciences. He is a graduate of the Naval War College.
Partner of Guerrero Olivos. Member of ACAFI (Chilean Association of Investment Fund Administrators), of the CESCO Mining Committee, and of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation. He is currently a director of Administradora Mater, Administradora Bridge, Empresa Eléctrica Blanco, Aaktei Energía S.A., Lácteos Matthei, Torq Resources Chile and Colegio San Lorenzo.
His professional life has been linked to the fruit industry. In the first instance, working in various law firms and from the year 2000 to date, as an executive of Dole Chile S.A., where he has held leadership roles in the legal areas for Chile, Latin America and South Africa, in matters related to Sustainability and in activities of said entity related to its lines of Vegetables and export of fresh fruits from different countries. He was Director of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile A.G. (Asoex) since 2014 and has been elected as its President as of September 2022.
Mechanical Civil Engineer from the Federico Santa María Technical University and MBA from the Adolfo Ibáñez University. General Manager of Automotores Gildemeister, Director of the Carlos Vial Espantoso Foundation, and President of the Advisory Council of Finning Sudamérica.
Enrique Marshall Rivera, Former Vice President of the Central Bank of Chile
Commercial Engineer from the University of Chile and PhD in Economics from the University of Notre Dame. President of Amicar, director of the Santiago Stock Exchange and director of the Master in Banking and Financial Markets Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso. Former President of the Banco Estado. Former Superintendent of Banks and Financial Institutions.
Máximo Pacheco, Chairman of the CODELCO board of directors
Commercial Engineer from the University of Chile, today he is Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Government of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Among other positions, he has been Minister of Energy, Executive Vice President of Operations at Codelco, Executive Vice President for Latin America at Carter Holt Harvey and SVP of International Paper where he held the positions of President for Latin America and also President for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Russia. Currently, he chairs the CODELCO board of directors since March 30, 2022.
Ambassador Pablo Arriarán, Head of the Asia Pacific Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Pablo Arriarán is a public administrator at the University of Chile and a graduate of the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy; He has a master's degree in international relations from the University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand (1998), as well as a Diploma in International Economic Relations from the Universidad Mayor de Chile (1994).
During his career he has served in the Chilean embassies in Gabon, Kenya, New Zealand, the United States, Ecuador and Argentina.
In Chile he has held positions in various departments of the Foreign Ministry, including cultural affairs, environment, multilateral policy, international and human security, as well as the General Directorate of International Economic Relations on APEC issues. He has served as deputy director of personnel and as deputy director of ceremonial and protocol.
Civil Mining Engineer from the University of Chile, today he holds the position of president of INACAP. Previously, he held the positions of President of the National Mining Association, President and Director of the Sonami National Mining Society, President of the Inter-American Mining Association, Vice President of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Chile, President and Director of the National Mining Company Mining, President of the Confederation for Production and Commerce and President of the Mining Engineers Foundation of the University of Chile.
Patricia López, CAP Group Infrastructure Manager, President of the boards of Puerto Las Losas S.A.,Tecnocap and Aguas CAP
Patricia López Manieu is infrastructure manager at the CAP Group, which brings together the company's port, water and energy assets. She is president of the boards of directors of Puerto Las Losas S.A., Tecnocap and Aguas CAP (Cleanairtech Sudamérica S.A.). Additionally, she is an elective advisor at SOFOFA for the period 2021-2025 and since July 2023 she is director of the Chilean-German Chamber of Industries and Commerce AHK Chile.
Patricia is a civil industrial engineer in transportation from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile with an MBA from ESE Business School. She has extensive and recognized experience in industrial, port, air and maritime transport, and infrastructure sectors in Chile, Latin America and Europe.
She began her career at AGUNSA, LATAM Airlines and CCNI, and later became deputy manager of corporate development and traffic rights at LATAM Airlines, Chile finance manager at SAAM, general manager at EPAUSTRAL, corporate development manager at ULTRAMAR, among other notable companies positions.
Jorge Lagos Rodríguez, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Manager CAP Group
Jorge A. Lagos Rodríguez is a Biologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica and has a Master's degree in Human Settlements and Environment from the same university. He currently works as Manager of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability for the CAP Group. Previously he was VP of Corporate Affairs at AES Andes; Manager of Sustainability and Institutional Relations at Codelco; Manager of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Transelec; and National Head of the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA). Jorge has more than 23 years of professional experience in the public sector, energy sector and mining. In the last 14 years he has worked in Corporate Affairs, Sustainability, Environmental Strategy and developed strategies for relationships with different interest groups. He has also been a professor in the Master of Industrial Engineering (MII) and Master of Administration and Construction (MAC) programs, both at the P. Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently Director of Siderúrgica Huachipato; Director of Puerto Las Losas; Director of ASIMET. Previously he was Director at EMSA, Codelco Brasil, among others.
Economist Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. Professor of Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, international consultant and advisor, President of the Fiscal Council of the Ministry of Finance, General Director of Grupo Res Pública Chile, Director of AFP Habitat and member of the advisory board of Chile Transparente.
Francisco Silva Silva, former president of Security
Civil Engineer Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and MS Stanford University. Chairman of the Board of Grupo Security S.A., President of the Bilateral Chile-China Business Council.
Diego Yarur Arrasate, President of Juan Yarur Companies
Alternate Board Member. Engineer, Bachelor in digital systems and MS in computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, new Jersey. Postgraduate courses at MIT and Columbia University Special projects manager at BCI Bank, institution in which he has held various positions since 1986.
Wolf von Appen, Businessman, former President of Ultramar
Businessman, former president of Grupo Ultramar, chairman of the Advisory Board of the business School of the U. De Los Andes, director of the Center for International Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, member of the Advisory Board of the Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires , member of the Honorary Council of the Center for Public Studies.
Henry Manzano, President at Tata Consultancy Services Latam
Henry Manzano is the president of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for Latin America, a position from which he heads the intense growth agenda of the Indian giant in the Latin American market. Henry presides over TCS' regional operation, with more than 26 thousand associates on staff and presence in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. He was also a central actor in the beginnings of TCS in Latin America. At the beginning of the 80s, he founded the company Comicrom with his father, a firm that provided technology services to the financial sector. When TCS decided to enter the local market in 2002, it acquired Comicron and retained Henry as an executive, starting the local chapter. Under his leadership, TCS has grown exponentially, from the company's beginning of operations in Uruguay, with only 15 employees, to today being one of the largest IT and consulting companies in Latin America, with more than 400 clients.
Executive Board
Montserrat Galimany, Advisor to the President of Mitsubishi Chile
Montserrat Galimany works as advisor to the president of Mitsubishi Chile, a multinational of Japanese origin. From her position as chair of the Foundation, Galimany brings decades of experience and deep knowledge of the management dynamics and business decisions in Asian companies, especially those from Japan, one of the main and most traditional trade and investment partners of Chile in the Asian continent. Montserrat holds a degree in statistics and a bachelor degree in Human resources from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Since 1980 she works at Mitsubishi Chile Ltda., where she has held various positions.
Commercial Engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile. He was CEO and Regional Managing Partner of Deloitte from June 2018 to June 2023. Deloitte Canada and Chile have been a combined firm since 2017.
Geographer of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Master in business administration of the Universidad Austral de Argentina, has served as an officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Chile in various positions in and outside the Country, including as First Secretary in the mission of Chile to the United Nations in charge of social, humanitarian and cultural affairs.
Between 2006 and 2007 he was a member of the Cabinet of the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza.
Former student of the Chilean Diplomatic Academy “Andrés Bello”, worked as academic coordinator of that institution during the year 2011.
recently formed part of the executive team of ProChile and Corpgroup Interhold.
in parallel to his work is a member of the Consultative Council of America Solidaria.
Manfred Wilhelmy von Wolff, Former Executive Director of Fundación Chilena del Pacífico
Lawyer Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso and PhD in Political Sciences Princeton University. Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Studies and Extension of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso. He was Executive Director of Fundación Chilena del Pacífico since it was founded in 1994 until February 2016.
Roberto de Andraca Barbas, Former President of CAP
Commercial engineer University of Chile. He currently serves as Senior advisor to the Board of Directors of CAP S.A.. Former President of the Board od Directors of CAP S.A. from 1990 to 2017. Vice president of Fundación Chilena del Pacífico since its foundation in 1994 until October 2017.
Lawyer University of Chile. Ambassador to the Holy See. Former Ambassador to the United Nations, Ecuador, USA and China.
Work areas
APEC Business Advisory Council
The Chile Pacific Foundation was early considered to played the role of National Secretariat of the Chilean chapter of ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). ABAC is an organization under the APEC system aimed at providing advise to the leaders of APEC, which is a forum of an economic nature, on issues pertaining to the overall business landscape in the Asia Pacific region. Since its inception in 1994, ABAC’s agenda has been incorporating the most relevant issues for the promotion of economic and social development in the region, from free trade and the expansion of the digitalization of the economy to climate change, among many others.
The members of ABAC are entrepreneurs and/or representatives of the business community invited by the President of the Republic. ABAC Chile operates with three full members and the same number of alternate members.
The host economy of APEC also chairs ABAC. ABAC moves his agenda forward throughout the year and hosts four annual meetings alongside a number of other sectorial, smaller meetings, workshops and the like. The most significant event is the ABAC Dialogue with Leaders, the only one of its kind in the world, which takes place after the fourth annual meeting. At this event, ABAC members and APEC leaders discuss the recommendations agreed upon in ABAC.
Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since 1970 he has been a member of the Jara Del Favero Abogados law firm. Director of Antofagasta Minerals S.A. since 2003. He chairs the Minera Los Pelambres Foundation and is director of the Andrónico Luksic S.A. Foundation, both charitable institutions. He was director of Enap and vice president of the National Mining Society of Chile (Sonami).
Mónica Retamal, Executive Director of Kodea Foundationver biografía
Journalist from the Diego Portales University, social entrepreneur and technology entrepreneur. She is a shareholder partner of KI Teknology, member of the Advisory Council of Nisum Latam, and executive director of Kodea. He has received various awards. Among others, the following stand out: the Chiletec Women in Technology award (2015), the Service Export Award (2016). In 2016, 2017 and 2018, she has been awarded as part of the 100 Women Leaders of Chile by the newspaper El Mercurio and Mujeres Empresarias and the Influential Women Award from Caras Magazine. In 2021 she obtained the Woman in Tech international recognition for her career, the Women that Build Awards as a technology entrepreneur from Globant and an outstanding ICT Woman from ACTI.
Cristián Lefevre, Market Segment Leader and President of EY Chile
Chairman of EY Chile since January 1, 2018. Expert in Corporate Governance, economic activity, regulations, private investment and business confidence. He has been a member of the firm's Executive Committee since 2001 and a member of the region's board of directors since 2005.
Alternate ABAC Members
Charles Kimber, Vice President of People and Sustainability at Arauco
Commercial Engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Charles Kimber has been Corporate and Commercial Affairs Manager of Celulosa Arauco y Constitución since 2004, a company he joined in 1986. Previously he had served as Executive Director of Arauco Wood Products, with based in Atlanta, USA and as Corporate Commercial Manager of Forest Products.
Patricia López, CAP Group Infrastructure Manager, President of the boards of Puerto Las Losas S.A.,Tecnocap and Aguas CAP
Patricia López Manieu is infrastructure manager at the CAP Group, which brings together the company's port, water and energy assets. She is president of the boards of directors of Puerto Las Losas S.A., Tecnocap and Aguas CAP (Cleanairtech Sudamérica S.A.). Additionally, she is an elective advisor at SOFOFA for the period 2021-2025 and since July 2023 she is director of the Chilean-German Chamber of Industries and Commerce AHK Chile.
Patricia is a civil industrial engineer in transportation from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile with an MBA from ESE Business School. She has extensive and recognized experience in industrial, port, air and maritime transport, and infrastructure sectors in Chile, Latin America and Europe.
She began her career at AGUNSA, LATAM Airlines and CCNI, and later became deputy manager of corporate development and traffic rights at LATAM Airlines, Chile finance manager at SAAM, general manager at EPAUSTRAL, corporate development manager at ULTRAMAR, among other notable companies positions.
María Olivia Recart
Director of Aclara – Lundin Mining – Santander Chile – Essbio/Esval
Chilean economist, businesswoman and politician, the ABAC Chair was National Rector of the Santo Tomas University and director of Compañía de Aceros del Pacífico (CAP). Prior to this, she worked in mining at the Australian company BHP as Vice President of Corporate Affairs for North and South America. During the first government of Michelle Bachelet, she was Undersecretary of Finance. In his career, among other experiences, he also spent 16 years at Fundación Chile.
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Since the early 1990s he has worked with the government and the private sector to support Colombia’s aspiration to run for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC); He has also advocated the development and strengthening of the East Asia Pacific Cooperation Forum (FOCALAE).
Through its trajectory, the Foundation has been characterized by the Latin American dimension of its work in connection with the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, this effort is mainly aimed at promoting the Pacific Alliance initiative through dissemination, analysis and policy proposals in Chile and abroad, through articles, technical papers, conferences, speeches and other activities.
Created in 1980, PECC is the only official non-governmental observer of APEC and its purpose is to produce high value-added information and analysis for APEC ministerial meetings and working groups. In Chile, the Chile Pacific Foundation has the honor of being the secretariat of PECC, as well as of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).
It is a regional non-profit organization, focused on policy recommendations and the promotion of a stable and prosperous Asia-Pacific region. It brings together thought leaders from the business sector, civil society, academia and government. PECC members anticipate the issues and challenges facing the region and, through objective and rigorous analysis, formulate practical solutions. The Council serves as an independent forum to discuss cooperation and policy coordination to promote economic growth and development in the Asia-Pacific.
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PECC State of the Asia Pacific Region Report 2024-2025
El Estado de la Región es un informe anual del Consejo de Cooperación Económica del Pacífico (PECC, por sus siglas en inglés). Presenta y sistematiza las opiniones de líderes de opinión del Asia Pacífico sobre los principales acontecimientos que afectan a la región, incluidos la situación macroeconómica y las prioridades del Foro de Cooperación Económica […]
PECC State of the Asia-Pacific Region Report 2022-2023
The State of the Region is an annual report of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), for which the Foundation serves as the secretariat in Chile. It presents and systematizes the views of Asia Pacific opinion leaders on major developments affecting the region, including the macroeconomic situation and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) priorities. PECC […]