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Press Release

Date: 8 March, 2024

The Chile Pacific Foundation / ABAC Chile is pleased to share with you the membership of Raimundo Page, president of CHILETEC – Association of Chilean Technology Companies, and Francisco Mardones, director of that same organization, to the Digital Trade Connect network (DTC), an initiative coordinated by the Asia Pacific Financial Forum (APFF), an organization part of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the Digital Trade Connect Legacy Project of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC).

As the National Secretariat of ABAC, we are proud to have coordinated their incorporation into this international initiative, being the only Latin American representatives at the meeting. We are at your complete disposal and we wish you every success in this new instance of collaboration.

📌 We invite you to read our statement.

Download the press release in español and inglés.