
Webinar: Sustainability and Gas Emissions Control: Steps Towards and Integrated Supply Chain Management in the Mining Industry Recibidos

Date: 05/03/2024

In this new Chile Pacific Foundation webinar, we address the nationwide impact of the recently installed Scope 3 Emissions Traceability Group, which is a high-impact initiative promoted by the mining industry to control greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire supply chain and an unique commitment worldwide to advance towards a more sustainable management in the mining sector.

Milton Valdés, senior climate engineer at Freeport McMoRaN Herman Urrejola, director of social and environmental management for South America at Teck; and Viviana Huerta, senior program officer of the International Council of the Mining and Metal (ICMM) were the speakers.

The webinar is available for viewing on our YouTube channel.

Presentación de Milton Valdés

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Presentación de Herman Urrejola

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Presentación de Viviana Huerta

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